Saturday 18 June 2011

The Captain returns to converting with a vengance!!!

Hey Friends and avid warhammer fans! It is I, Tristian or better known as Captain Convertion from GW Surrey! I wanted to create a blog to document my past and present convertions and showcase them. I actualy stole the idea from Greg G and Chris J. (you know who you are!)

So my first post will be of a Chaos Monstrosity that i eccentialy created from scrach using a couple giant bitz and a frikin tonne of green stuff!

I got craving to create this beast to use as a Nurgle Daemon Prince for my Warriors of Chaos in battle against Greg G`s pain-in-my-ass elves! This is the current stage of progress their is still more details to be added. like maggots and veins and some more scars ect.